Traumatic repetition compulsion

Height: 155 cm
Width: 116 cm
Without a time and thus coming out of the lack of matter, my dream shows you the metaphor of a star warrior for this painting. Individual parts like his head, his lance and the impaled earth can be recognized as things of the materiality of our blue satellite. What is the significance of the dubious two horns that lead the rider into the future, where does the future come from, why a picture from the galaxy "Dream"
thinking about it is reserved for us humans.
Science postulates that no light, i.e. no matter, can succeed in leaving a black hole. Only your feelings together with your spirit will this be possible in a future, was a dreamed message about my picture. Knowledge is taken from the galaxies by the black holes and compressed in such a way that it is no longer available to the earth. At the end of all days, after the last two remaining black holes have united, a new big bang will be born out of them. Then this newly emerging Big Bang system, this knowledge compressed to one point, will be available again as a spirit, the new Big Bang event. Which system then emerges? Will become ours, everyone Develop the system-level “absolute knowledge”, the system “fantastic knowledge”?
Our physicality, brought together with the dream, plus our actions, my picture shows Feelings we live with on earth. Information from the future requires a dream life. These connections will also help to better understand the existing galactic system. The dream can explain why our big bang systems come from nowhere and at the same time from everything.
When the development towards humans began about 200,000 years ago through their compulsive urge to kill and through the formative morphic fields of extraterrestrials, ritual human sacrifices were replaced with the killing of animals. At that time the fear of death and loving fields, together with the dream, began a new age. The consciously dreaming became Guardian of "EVERYTHING-IS". It started a new human event that is only available in a probable future. In dreaming about this painting, I got this information.
If you focus on the upper blue and the lower red part of my picture with one eye at the same time, you get the feeling that my depiction also radiates responsibility. The perceived death that I felt in my dream about the mythical creature and its rider leads to curiosity. I hope, like you, people learn from their history and eradicate the brutal repetition of killing. Positive feelings, created by the colors of the mythical creature, should lead the overall impression of my picture to a change in values, from the physical to the psychological, in loving paths.
The thrown together picture of my hermaphrodite also shows you that life on earth and death on earth cannot be separated. The meaning of life is grasped when we understand that humanity is a refuge of gods, but only gods in the process of becoming. Pain and suffering are our shadowy companions on this earth. Because of our developable brain and our thirst for knowledge, human feelings that also created my picture will exist forever. Absolute freedom, in the current galactic basic system, "development", will allow you as a creator to create not only mental images, but also organic images formed from atoms. You can be a creator on earth in both spheres. You are allowed to accompany your creations, live with them, ask for help and look after them responsibly or even give them responsibility.
All religions abuse the true message of Jesus. Your dreams, which you have to incarnate into every night in order to survive physically, will tell you the original story of Jesus if you ask for them. Religions have passed laws that help maintain or increase their power. Religions are too simple-minded to understand, there is nothing fixed on earth, only change, development. Atomic development, the development of our physicality, is subject to a microscopic short time and ends with our physical death. Spiritual development must continue until the current big bang system is translated into a new one.
Even big bang systems need you as an observer in order to be able to exist.