The religious crime
God the benevolent gave it, God the untouchable, the one who praises and punishes has taken it. Or also, earth to earth, dust to dust, we ask you God be gracious to us. These sayings are popular, not only at funerals of people whose beliefs are based on them, there is only one righteous, almighty God who has made all the laws. Cultures in which the evil is shaken from the dead, or animals that are sacrificed at such farewell ceremonies, are rituals that are still practiced today. Ancient societies even walled up living people with their deceased partners. Pharaoh gods, with their crazy burial culture, are also a testimony to be seen of the fear of nothingness after the death of the body.
A political religion is not a religion but a worldly power
Religions have always been inventive when it comes to frightening, warning, exploiting and submitting their sheep. Their beliefs meanwhile seem Stone Age, still come from the development phase from animals to humans, from the beginnings of human intelligence. Fear is dangerous, fear has built in brutality. Crusades, countless religious wars that go on to our present day, witch burnings, mutilations, tortures that frighten servants of God, and none of them frightened them Misdeeds back. The pinnacle of the cult of religion was established by the Mexica, an extinct Maya people. People were sacrificed to appease their god. They built huge show walls out of human skulls, pierced with rods. Even tall, walkable towers made of sacrificed human heads were recently excavated around Mexico City. These misdeeds are based on the as yet unfinished developmental leap from animals to human species.
The evolution from animal to human will never end.
The I-feeling of people, which is in the building-up stage, cannot recognize the god inside and created gods outside of themselves. Jesus and his disciples knew about this situation. But he also knew that his message was being misused. His field of consciousness, I call it Jesus field, will get physical bodies again in the near future. These will attest the religions incompetence and give meaning and space to God in every single person. It will take half a century, however, until the way out of the swamp of religions, the simple-minded economic greed, the drunkenness of self-appointed leaders and the inhibiting mammon is found. Only in another 50 years will mankind have recognized the responsibility it bears to carry a God within itself. Pain and suffering will then be minimized. But, the materiality of earthly life means time. Time in turn means change. Change means an uncertain future one Present that is constantly disappearing, a past that in turn influences the future. There can be no paradises on the innumerable solar satellites, in the innumerable universes, in one give life composed of innumerable atoms. (Scientists reckon with at least 200 billion satellites, similar to our earth, in the previously known universe)
The Jesus field, which was created about 2000 years ago, will produce more and more people who deny the current religions worldly powers.
Where do I come from, where do I go, why am I, because of their lack of knowledge, their dogmas, their lack of consciousness, their bloodthirsty roots, religions are unable to ask about the meaning of human life to answer. Their do's and don'ts are restrictive, inhibiting development, in view of the level of knowledge that mankind now has. Its laws and regulations resemble a mirage. If one takes a closer look at the dogmas of religions, one notices that they contradict one another, are unsuitable for making real life goals visible and achievable for us humans. Every informed person should and can now recognize, experience and work on their beliefs on their own responsibility. More and more connections and reports from the so-called hereafter, such as near death experiences, spontaneous healing, to name just two, help to get a new picture of consciousness. The quantum mechanics devised by Einstein and proven by Heisenberg and Schrödinger with its revolutionary statement that there is nothing fixed, there are only waves, without beginning and end, helps to classify unprovable phenomena. The physicist Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr said: There is no such thing as solid matter, because waves have no beginning and no end. "There is only timeless spirit in which eternal development" Spirit has also shaped the earth, which we humans can perceive and enjoy as a real product due to our materiality.
The "ABSOLUTE INFORMATION" threw the spirit into oceans and thus caused an eternal wave of development.
Religions have succeeded in the transition from animals to humans, albeit with tremendous, Bloodshed and with immeasurable, brutal spread of pain and suffering, in collaboration with the secular and ruling dynasties, that people did not self-extinguish. When the religions limit themselves in the future to living and teaching love and avoiding any power games, they have the chance to survive as an association, similar to the Red Cross. Knowledge has meanwhile broken the omnipotence of religions, information from other galaxies as well, helps informed people to believe that they themselves are gods in development. With this way of thinking, you take a quantum leap in more responsibility not only for yourself, but also for fellow human beings and for the earth. Informed people do not allow themselves to be corrupted by power and by mammon. Power and mammon are sought out of fear, after my death my self disappears into the infinite expanse of eternity. Fear is the breeding ground for pain and suffering, created by people who are still too close to the Stone Age. Our dreams come teaching every night when our consciousness leaves the body and searches for information in the dream worlds. I related people do not dream, or only about themselves, because their interests are limited. As an observer of the systems, you can guess from your dreams which galactic learning processes will take place even after your physical death.
Just because of your feelings do you live forever.
Claims to sole representation, prevention of the exchange of information, manipulation and writing down of knowledge and behavior, even threats to extinguish human life, must be denounced as quickly as possible and not only against the religions, as destructive, stone-age, criminal behavior. All religions must work to no longer be seen as an organization of crime in the future. In the future, religions should be classified as folklore groups in the system of new knowledge. They should be ashamed of their misdeeds, they should exchange their miras for the doctoral hats of the scientists. Systems change through knowledge, controlled by us humans. Knowing people will recognize and draw the conclusion from this: Anything that does not serve people will sooner or later become unsuccessful and perish.
We humans can determine for ourselves what is real for us.
People with near-death experiences report from their short stays in the non-material worlds that those who have died deeply religiously in their life on earth get problems in their existence after physical death. They remain in intermediate worlds, haphazardly, disoriented. Without the expected punishment or the expected praise, they feel marginalized, forgotten in the vastness of immateriality, of eternity. It becomes clear that personal responsibility, information is the way in life to have further experiences with joy, love and contentment even without a body. Only the full acceptance of responsibility in life on earth can prevent the waves of religious crimes, with their man-made gods, from sloshing into these immaterial spheres.
The search for information does not require a body.
The legacy of so-called original sin, established centuries ago by religions, can for us humans be refuted with the indirect inheritance of the divine, love. For every single person the insight should come that I am a god in development on earth. Only we humans with our ICH consciousness, which in turn can create new consciousness, are able to think about “THE ABSOLUTE INFORMATION”, that is, about God, about the immaterial existence, about creation and eternity. We humans, gods in development, can recognize the eating and being eaten of the earth.
Means to believe Not knowing, not knowing, harbors fear, fear makes people aggressive, dangerous and brutal.
We humans not only dreamed “THE ABSOLUTE INFORMATION”, it is the dream. The 4% existing matter in our Big Bang system was solidified via the energy of feelings. We humans, our environment, consist of sensibly arranged combinations of atoms. Every single person is responsible for how they shape themselves and their environment.
When you have brought your earthly life together with your dream existence, you can see yourself as God in development. In order to enable your self to exist more peacefully, you have to go 4 to 12 times in your sleep into your dream worlds. Without our dreams, our body dies, tests under laboratory conditions showed. Your above all task is to live as happily as possible on this earth. You can achieve this innovatively together with the information of your fellow human beings, the comparison and assembly of your dream sequences and with your personal life experiences.
The prerequisite is, however, that you see the words, joy and love deciphered. The development and elaboration of love in you depends in turn on which and how many feelings of happiness are available to you.
The teacher of your love is your happiness.