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An idea of religion

A religion based on the Jewish faith is the Roman Catholic Church, with its 2000 year old logo Jesus. It is still an intuition, the strength and power of which is unprecedented. The pillar of their success was their postulation: there is only ours, the one God. Their 10 commandments prevented the extinction of mankind in the past 2000 years.

Our technological age has meanwhile displaced many church leaders from the control panel of the trend-setting powers. Capitalism based on global information and expansion has taken over the scepter of the mighty.

In Islam, as in a scattered, medieval army, fanatical and wildly thrashing about, the religious leaders try to save themselves and the rules of their self-conceived God with their claim to exclusivity. They waste their strength in arguments among themselves and with nonsensical threats in their skirmishes of retreat. Her madness of having to eliminate people of different faiths, even a tribe like Israel, keeps her trapped in the maze of the primitive.

The Jewish religion is the smallest and oldest world religion, it is the mother of the Christian religion. For centuries, Judaism has awaited the coming of the Messiah and with him the retribution of good and bad deeds.

All religions try to govern politically in world affairs to this day. What Luther writes in his pamphlet: “About the Jews and their Lies” is exactly what Hitler did. He didn't know anything about the direct killing by gas chambers, otherwise he would have advised that too. With his opinion of the Jews, Luther is the prime example of the brutal, inhuman behavior not only of the Christian religion, for many hundreds of years. Just a few keywords: crusades, indulgences, burnings of witches, torture, decades of religious wars, still in the late Middle Ages. Wars with a religious power background, to this day, around the globe.

All religions that postulate a claim to sole representation of their truth are automatically sidelined. The truth to which religions appeal is an empty abstraction for the individual. Other world religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Chinese religions, do not indulge in the exclusivity of their truth. They give the followers the freedom to create their own God within their provided faith framework.

Religious churches, a phoenix from the ashes?

Despite all such brutal, sad, more negative behavior and actions, I trust the Christian churches to become an innovative world power. So that this church can act in a future-oriented and humane manner, it must be fundamentally reformed. Only in a radical restructuring can it be able to control unrestrained capitalism

Influencing the proclamation and enforcement of human rights. Living in celibacy or marginalizing women is self-destructive behavior. The future alone will put this previous action on the sidelines.

Human dignity - Everyone must have the right and the opportunity to experience the meaning of their life without exclusion and manipulation.

The Catholic Church is losing influence every day. If it does not want to mutate into a folklore association, its financial and human resources must be used to take responsibility for the defense of human dignity in the capital system. Their leadership and staff must be determined by their supporters in democratic elections. Your new Basic Law should be the balancing act between technical, capitalist, modern corporations and a worldwide "human dignity defense union". No hierarchies whatsoever are allowed to remain gender-related in the church. Not only must completely new curricula be devised for all managers, they must also be given a degree in basic research in order to truly understand creation. Physics is the platform to understand and pass on eternity or timelessness and the divine, material-free existence of the human consciousness unit.

Only when the religious leaders swap their mitras for the doctoral hats of basic research will they play a role of innovation again in world affairs.

When the community of fate humanity then realizes that the path that religions, together with the now almighty capitalist system, leads into a future that increasingly removes more soil from a decent life, especially in the cities, my suggestions will become feasible.

In the meantime, almost omnipotent corporations, to whose actions the politicians can only react at the moment, will develop a long-term plan together with completely newly instructed religious representatives that can really change the earth. The most comprehensive task and article one in a new Basic Law of Religions must be the maintenance of human dignity. I hope that by now some of the corporate board members are aware that anything that violates this Basic Law will go under. In the meantime, politicians in democracies are increasingly rated in this way by their voters. The so-called social new media will also have to bow to human dignity. Every single person should be responsible for their innate morality and humanity. Only systems with their leaders will be able to survive who have human dignity at the top of their behavior and knowledge pyramid.

Changes in the capital system have incalculable consequences because of their innumerable worldwide connections. Leaders of the religions associated with the economic systems can be commissioned for these changes. I assume that nuns, monks, priestesses, priests, bishops, bishops, etc. so

People who deal in their earthly life with the existence after their death, without a body, represent the foundation stones for a world domination of humanity.

Religions exist because they only believe they don't need to seek knowledge. Faith must be replaced by the basic energy of creation KNOWLEDGE via information.

One of the first, new commandments should be the prohibition of the public display of religions. Religions must be made taboo in the same way as pornography. Parents need to be convinced that their attitude towards a religion is harmful to their children. Each individual, at any age, should be able to work out or experience their own view of creation and the world. Family associations that particularly honor their old members will be the source of the innovation. Creation is based on every human being, whom I call a unit of consciousness. We humans have the ability to think about ourselves. That is why we are gods in the making.

Science and human dignity union, the latter newly developed from the religions, will in future be responsible for a livable, humane earth. This will only be possible, however, if all the leaders of the world religions join what I call the “Human Dignity Union”, or if they found it. A gutted, reorganized Christian Church could be the driving force for this worldwide unification in the future.

After this total restructuring of the Christian churches, the expanding knowledge of creation will lead us into new areas of knowledge that replace the word faith with knowledge. God, I exchange the word with the term, “Absolute knowledge” has the task of making real creators out of us humans, in spite of our materiality or limitation. Creation, "Everything-That-Is" in cooperation with the consciousness of people loves to play with perfection and absolute knowledge. Creation, or “absolute knowledge”, is constantly generating something new, similar to humans when they let new life arise in a womb. In creation there is no being and no non-being, there is no good and bad, there are no commandments and prohibitions, there is no praise, no blame. But there are more or less informed people on earth. Information is the creation mission, also on the at least 200 billion earth-like planets in our previously known universe.

New areas can only be reached in new ways.

Creation wants to lead us into areas of knowledge that are infinitely expandable. Due to our restrictive materiality, we humans are only gods in development. A material-free, i.e. timeless God, in contrast to us humans, does not have to deal with coincidences, also called luck or unhappiness. He also has unlimited access to the future and the past. The innumerable systems of consciousness with their reality systems, similar to the earth, make creation an open system, without a beginning or an end. Even without a material body, i.e. after our death, we become “everything

What-is ”, because there are other forms and states in creation that we cannot recognize.

Creation means: "Absolute limitlessness"

Unfortunately, our religious leaders indulge in laziness to learn. They live in fear of reducing their power, the radius of their influence. Like worn-out politicians or bankrupt economic strategists, they should withdraw from the public eye if they let their presence send them to the “impossible” prison

"Nothing is impossible" the advertising slogan of a vehicle manufacturer in our capitalist system has already given us this sentence. “Workers of all countries unite” is steeped in history. The union of religions will be the future of human beings.

My text " The Religious Crime " underpins the "religious idea".

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