Crusade the

Height: 87 cm
Width: 105 cm
When looking at my painting, you will also get a bad feeling. Even the stylized roses that escape through a portal similar to a place of worship urge caution and mindfulness. They signal a danger that is masked by curiosity about who the figure with the hood is.
Our capital system tries to give the impression of being friendly, courteous and interesting. The advancing globalization of the earth, driven by our capital system, goes hand in hand with its growing power, with the harmonization of the ways of life of us humans. Synchronization is the opposite of a diversity necessary for survival, which is indispensable in the long term for every natural existence.
Adolf Hitler was described by his guests as friendly, courteous and interesting. With Adolf Hitler, simplicity was paired with megalomania. Adolf Hitler showed the world that his superficial philanthropy, packaged in his small, marginalized worldview, killed forty million people through his megalomaniac behavior. Adolf Hitler is history.
If our capitalist economic system does not understand the diversity of nature and cultures, only of each one individual people can be supported and promoted, the fate of A. Hitler will catch up with him, become history. Superficial promises of salvation, through constant growth, continuous economic growth, with control right up to the living room of individual people, negating minorities, idolizing mammon, manipulation to maintain power, relocation of cities, expansion of militant protection organizations, all this becomes the capital system, in the long term limit his power.
Adolf Hitler's sick, pillaging, inhuman behavior turned into a heap of ash.
Capitalism now rules ours Earth. Its brutal side suggests that it has brought us problems that cannot be solved and thus also suggests its downfall. This downfall will in turn cause suffering and pain for many people or also cost them their lives.
An Adolf Hitler showed the earth how catastrophic it can be when a group of powerful people loses to their origins, to the laws of nature, to humanity, to love, to the earth, to the universe, to the meaning of life.
The globalized system of capitalism is in the process of being damaged by its children, power, mammon, greed and envy, manipulation, via its, meanwhile world-dominating path. If capitalism has its ideology, being a philanthropist, continuing to be abused and only serving a small minority with his merits, he has to put up with the reproach of not having learned from System A. Hitler.
For a microsecond measured against our galactic time, Adolf Hitler was hailed as the greatest leader of all time. History shows his actions are disgusting. His body became inedible to worms and maggots after being burned.
There have been many systems in our human history that have failed. If one looks at their developments from a distance, one realizes that everything that hinders the creative development of mankind towards mutual love will sooner or later perish and disappear as a failed attempt in the history of this earth. The capitalist system must incorporate the basic galactic law, love, into its systems. Systems should use technical advances. But when they start promoting power, technology and mammon as saviors, it is time to question the system. The basic law of humanity, on the pillars of love, cannot be realized by leaders or systems. This Basic Law must be represented and defended by every single citizen.
You can practice sharpening your emotions on my painting. You can also let your thoughts run free without immediately converting them into materiality through your actions have to. When looking at my fine art and reading my texts, you can recognize the size and at the same time the limits of your power. Your soul will give you life time in order to integrate your humanity, enriched with love, even more into your will and action.
What we do, why we do it, doesn't matter