Abused orgasm
Height: 216 cm
Broad: 88 cm
My painting about the dream would like to show you, many centuries ago, was at past cultures of the earth, sexuality free from shame. The orgasm was considered an experience that was only available to humans. Back then, primitive feelings such as power, greed and envy were capped by feelings of shame. Even in our modern times there are secluded communities that regard sexuality as the supreme gift of their gods. In our early days, sexuality was characterized by happiness, joy and strength. Sex organs were regarded as good luck charms. In my dream I saw people from the original Pharaoh culture with undisguised gender characteristics. Men are in this period of time shown with erect limbs. The love for sexuality was related to the pure love from the origins, from all living things.
My dream conveyed to me that in the antediluvian Atlantean culture, the Lumanians lived on earth. They regarded loving sexuality as one of the highest goods. After the failure of their high culture, Lumanians mixed with the Neanderthals. But they were far superior to the Neanderthals, who only lived in small isolated groups, in every area of knowledge, especially in peaceful coexistence. Energy, for example, they generated by means of sounds inaudible to humans. The understanding coexistence of the Lumanians was similar to the interaction in our plant worlds. However, this pure Lumanian culture was not able to deal with aggressiveness. To protect themselves, they lived in intricate, spiritual communities underground. Ultimately, they dissolved their atomic bodies and looked for other planets in order to be able to be materially born again there. That was the end of the legendary "Atlantis Age"
Some remnants of these Lumanians mixed with prehistoric, primitive groups, we call these Neanderthals. These Neanderthals, refined by Lumanians, developed into Homosapiens, his successor we humans have competed.
The original, essential for survival eat or be eaten, inherited from our animal roots, I call it in relation to our time now "progress through power, violence, lies and manipulation" still shapes us humans. Pain and suffering became more and more powerful with the immense growth of the population. Instead of covering painful, sorrowful things such as power, greed and envy with shame, became In the following millennia, this capped sexuality. Mighty people were crowned gods, embodied by religious leaders such as popes and kings. They use this now shamefaced sexuality to improve their own To exploit subjects through violence and manipulation. The frustration of having to die despite their worldly power almost always turns them into despots. Greed and envy, murder and fields of manslaughter could develop into global war games. Women's rights have been brutally curtailed. Her creative powers developed the fear of losing power and influence to women in men. Seen globally, all of this is still present, but changing.
Until our time, the primordial force of sexuality could never develop its divine, loving creative power. The feeling of "creation" is hardly explored scientifically. Basic researchers still leave it to religions to explain creation. Religions in many cultures demonize even the beauty of eroticism. They have been manipulating for millennia, in Collaboration with worldly leaders, with a misguided sense of shame sexuality and thus humanity. However, through a wide range of intimacy, humanity is on the way to shift sexuality into the spell of love.
A genetic modification that is now possible could lovingly change and reduce the current, threatening growth spurt of humanity. This change in the genetic make-up would only be one generation Make human life possible, with male and female orgasms at the same time. Interpersonal love could gain evocative power over the vital need to reproduce. In my story, under DREAM REPORTS : “My journey to another system” I describe how the problem of overpopulation was solved on another planet.
The current sexual systems cannot simply be eliminated and replaced with new ones. In addition I heard in the dream: "Information and knowledge, can strengthen love and thus also the survival of your culture". The information, the knowledge is a God who can help to bring more joy on our way of life, because without joy there is no love. The pursuit of information, of knowledge is the basis of creation, ”which I call development in the context of our big bang events. The last word "development" came to me in this dream experience transmitted as a spoken word.
The Atlantean culture has perished because of the inability to use its inherited aggressiveness creatively. By two thousand seventy-five, I sensed the number as if it were a new birth of Christ, a paradigm shift will have occurred. Until then, the extended family will multiply its importance. Their sex will no longer separate men and women. Reinforced and expanded family feelings will lead to the fact that the earth as a place for the extended human family can be experienced with reduced pain and suffering in the future. On the basis of human dignity, sexuality will become a good of personal responsibility. Positive health aspects will give the orgasm new perspectives. Violence, greed, envy, power, human contempt, manipulation, caste thinking, will again be covered with the feeling of shame and can be softened.
However, it will then take another 100 years until the billions of people have learned to deal with their potential for violence in a fundamentally peaceful, creative way. This requires knowledge of where I come from, why I am, where I am going. Only then will we understand that sexuality is the strongest form of love and must not be abused by religions, by systems, by leaders who are focused on power. Celibacy, the Roman Catholic. Church cost their world power position. Pain and suffering, in the reality system of the probabilities of our earth, can only be reduced through knowledge and information. Love cannot be planned, Love has no plan Love is the stuff that made the point from the Big Bang system, the "EVERYTHING-IS", explode. Pure love will be the end point, but also at the same time, an infinite new beginning of our big bang systems. Another system will then begin to recreate itself through development.
Paradise can never be based on materiality develop