There will only be peace among people when they have understood that love is not possible without joy
I claim that love, of which there are countless types, is of secondary importance in our game of life on earth. First and foremost is joy. No love is possible without joy. The mother of love is joy, we humans are the fathers in the earthy life-emotional game. The feeling of joy is a clear concept for each of us humans. Joy arises from the most varied of thought processes and from the most varied of situations.
We all have precise ideas, what makes me happy, what would make me happy. With the pre-joy we can go into the future quite optimistically. Joy from the past gives us strength for the moment and also for the future. Joy that we imagine for the future, in turn, works back into the moment and even makes the past appear pink to us. A perfect cycle so far. I'm about to bring second-placed love into play, give me a little more time.
Violin concert, meditation, football stadium
So, again for joy. Think about a violin concert, what joy and satisfaction there is. Think of meditating monks, what rapture is on their faces. 50,000 singing and swaying people in the football stadium, if they score a goal they even get into an ecstatic state. But what about the losers in the stadium and in everyday life? What drives the rioters? It's actually quite simple, of course, they don't feel any joy when the opponent shoots on goal or in everyday life, but they enjoy rioting.
Violence is a free-rider of joy Prohibiting advertising, that would mean not building up tension. Our life basically consists of building up and relieving tension. (See also the myth of desire power, page 48, chapter 10., A path in life that minimizes anticipation takes our future away from us humans. Ultimately, that would be a path to material death, because the future is the force, the tension for all living matter.
Love, or the claim that there is absolute love and that it is to be striven for, must be wrong, because joy builds up much more tension in us humans. In our atomic world, of course, as with love, there will be no absolute joy, always only varieties of joy. In this universe there cannot be any everlasting joy and love, transience is a law of nature. Tension build-up and release is necessary for our life. The frustration, the envy, the enrichment are in our system, just like the hatred or better said, the lack of interest (the opposite of love).
Love as an instrument of power Why is love so celebrated in our cultures and religions? Why is the joy not declared superior? Whoever has joy is at a pole position in life. Sorry, now I'm getting provocative, take your time to judge me.
I'll take the word rulers, I don't mean God or something like that. Rulers find it much easier to direct the flock of people when they preach love to them. You should strive for love, you should love, always and everyone. You should also love frustration, etc. The reward is already coming after your earthly life, say the religions. Lovers are content, they can be used, the rulers know.
Our leaders draw all their personal joy from the tolerance of their subjects, who are supposed to love everything. That is, to put it bluntly, the rip-off system of the rulers, religion, economic systems, cultures.
Imagine if the leaders said: get yourself joy, you are all entitled to absolute joy. Where would people find joy? The leaders, rulers and popes would get into trouble and would have to fear for their benefices. So they will continue to preach about love, they have to, as long as the mass of people has not understood and seen through how it is being manipulated. Incidentally, also from their pets.
Knowledge is power
In order to push joy into human life without awakening destructive forces, information is required. Information also includes the latest scientific findings. A new worldview, so to speak. This picture says, now the artist in me has his say, we humans are a dream of God, a part of God. We are, so to speak, a dream within a dream. Because every person has to dream, every night, science confirms. If someone can't remember their dreams, it won't do him any good either. It is still a dreaming dream of God.
Deceived and abandoned people know: love hurts. Anesthetists working with Sean MacKay write in the journal PLoS: Love is as strong a pain reliever as aspirin or cocaine. The regions of the brain that become active when feelings of love are felt are identical to those that are targeted by painkillers and addictive substances, says A. Avon of Stony Broc