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My “Constructive Art”, which I have molded in with texts, gives me the opportunity to show a reality that is not available to science.


W. Heisenberg and E.Schrödinger have pulverized everything "fixed" with their knowledge of the behavior of quanta and the resulting new knowledge, quantum mechanics, as happened around 14.6 billion years ago in the Big Bang. “Everything-That-Is” and thus we humans, too, consist of waves that have no end and no beginning, is the revolutionary new logic. Albert Einstein prophesied this New Worldview, his students proved this “quantum mechanics” in the legendary “double slit experiment” and received the Nobel Prize for it.

With each of my pictures, sculptures and the texts  I make something really new out of dream events, i.e. out of the infinite waves of creation, together with you, as my observer.  

If the dream guides the artist, if a symbiosis between the two develops, his works will trigger emotions, which then flow into your emotional worlds, reinforced by your own dreams. Your thinking, your doing  will change through my texted art.

Neuroscience has found that what people do, the decisions they make, is determined solely by their feelings. This feeling becomes a vision that matures into thought and flows into action. From this knowledge, the question was born, are we humans the decision-makers, or are decisions made about us, or is it only our actions that are part of our freedom of choice?

Illusions arise in sleep or in its dream phases. Dreams inform us four to twelve times every night, consciously and unconsciously. Without the dream there would be no life. From the dreamed feelings, which then flow into the thoughts via the illusion, we make decisions that trigger our daily activities.

  My dreamed works of art, together with my texts, are information that should make your life visible to you not as a calculable point, but as the waves of your life. If you do then  can live the optimal level of joy for you, my art has become meaningful.

  Art should come from the universes of dreams. Dreams have access to everything that exists in the  Big Bang happening. I claim that these are the dream worlds, i.e. the feelings of the entire universe, which we humans can not only see in pictures  yet to be explored  96%, so-called dark matter, dark energy.  The feelings from my works can make visionary decisions. If you then give power to your dream worlds as my observer, your earth life will get a more direct line to your soul.

The feelings from your dreams, influenced by my art, will lead you to a way of life that is not dominated by your lifetime, not by your culture. The needs and passions of your era cannot entangle you. You will be able to stand above things and decide, lifetime and culture must not use my self. You will realize that the 4% matter around you is only there to collect insights, knowledge.

Where am I from, where am I going, why am I?

You will also get answers to these questions through my texted works of art, which have risen from my dreams. They will be useful for your joy of life, because without joy and happiness there is no love. Love is the original and driving energy of a big bang process. The task of our human life in this system is: To filter out love through the feeling of joy and happiness that was set free from the feelings that were exploded in the Big Bang.

My journey into the eternal dream

The greatest challenge in a change from the “physical-spiritual” world of the earth to the “pure-spiritual” existence, with which we humans are inevitably confronted after our death, is time. Without time, with the timelessness after our death, our thinking will get an additional dimension, the "absolute freedom". A simple example of this: think of your dream in which you flew like a bird, you woke up and were disappointed with the limits that your body set for you. Your restrictive life time has caught you again, brought you back to earth. Now you have landed back in the reality system that we call earth.

If you want to fly after your death, you will be able to do so indefinitely. You will not want to go back into your body, because this unlimited flying after your death, in the now disembodied state, gives you too much joy. You will fly until an all-round calm and satisfaction leads you into a pool of knowledge from which you can make unrestricted use. But you will only succeed if you are master of your flow of thoughts. But your thoughts do not belong to you alone, thoughts are common property for everyone in the hereafter, for “everything that is”. This communicating through thoughts means that you are instantly ashamed of them, or can be immediately proud of them.

The first impressions as a newcomer in the afterlife, they portray countless near-death experiences, are deeply emotional. It tells of light, peace, security, being connected to "everything". But if you want to go back to earth because you are still receiving messages from there that want to make your unit of consciousness more complete, you will also be able to come back. But have you not sorted your feelings in this disembodied, “afterlife state” up to this “wanting back”, your feeling package for a return to earth, together with your “total existence”, also called soul, not yet put together and no wish package tied up for the future life on earth, it comes to one, to your rebirth in somewhere, sometime, somehow, anything.

Every consciousness is condemned to create its own tailored forms. Without your plan, what do I want in my next life, what do I not want, satisfaction, i.e. the next happy existence on earth, cannot come to you. Aimlessness and the resulting inner teaching can create physical, mental illnesses that slow down the joy of life and the meaning of life. Often such a difficult existence ends with suicide.

If you cannot gain a foothold in your disembodied, timeless state in the hereafter, because your ideas about your death do not meet your expectations, but because of these expectations that have not come true, you go into waiting rooms, so you do not want to become physical either, you will find yourself in your intermediate world to be disoriented, powerless trapped. This will happen when, for example, you miss the praise or blame of a man-made God. When no one tells you what to do or not to do, or what is bad or good. This scenario becomes likely when you allow yourself to be absorbed in your earthly life by the respective cultures, by your lifetime, by your passions and needs. Because then you forgot that you are a god in development.

But if you are well informed and know that "anything" is possible in a disembodied state, you will find pleasure in the playing field of timelessness and the lack of gravity in your hereafter. To do this, you need satisfaction and thus peace as a substitute for time and a comprehensive feeling of love. The "absolute love" or the "absolute knowledge" caused a big bang. They are the top of the knowledge pyramid that can turn your consciousness into a contented, self-contained creator. If you can also understand that without a body I consist of a galaxy of feelings, also called soul, you will be able to continue working after your physical death, you will collect knowledge. You will even be able to imagine other reality systems with different rules of the game, create them and also incarnate there. So you will play a god in the system “everything is”. In contrast to us humans, we are gods in development, a timeless God in the hereafter does not have to deal with coincidences, also called luck or unhappiness. Only the four percent of matter in the universe, with its innumerable systems of consciousness and their different realities, are unpredictable time structures. The future of our earth is only one to three days before it arrives. In the hereafter you can reach any future without influencing the random number generator of matter. You can do whatever you want there, because you can't hurt anyone there. Physical problems from our earthly life that trigger violence cannot reach us without a body. Without a body you are in the eye of the hurricane, earth life.

Science postulates: In our previously known universe there are at least two hundred billion solar satellites, in habitable zones in which cells can multiply. Logically, each of these solar satellites has a different reality system.

Coming from earth, as a newborn in the hereafter, is there, in this limitless system, absolutely necessary: Your thoughts must not jump, but must flow. Let me also explain this with a worldly, mundane example.

If you physically brush your teeth and remember that you want to see a relative, not much will happen. You will be able to continue brushing your teeth, albeit with completely different thoughts. If you do this cleaning in a disembodied state and think of a relative, you will immediately end up with your relative. You will be helped by a feeling of calm and security that comes over you because you feel that you are at home, at your origin. This will help you keep your mind from rolling over.

Curiosity and thirst for action are part of creation, and a galactic feeling to gather knowledge. The feeling of curiosity must not create restlessness in the hereafter either. Restlessness in the disembodied state would lead to the next incarnation.
But if you look through your weightless, atom-free body in the hereafter, which you have also shaped according to your ideas, and put your feelings and thoughts in a usable order and thus continue to study creation, you will open a pool of knowledge in unlimited dimensions. Your activities from your past life, with the matter of the earth, will appear to you like gadgets in the sandpit. If you want, you will be able to accompany or look after us people, the players in the sandpit. People would then refer to you as their guardian angel.

People from the reality system earth will find their way around much better after their death if they have combined their life on earth with dream experiences. The study of the dream costs no time, no effort, because the dream automatically visits you 4 to 12 times every night. In your dream there is no time, you could fly, you walked through walls, or you brushed your teeth with chocolate ...... that lets hope that the afterlife is fantastic. You can only experience the earth in the present, you see your past as a mirror image, your future is a mirage for you, which you want to shape with difficulty or with joy and ease through a fulfilled earth life.

After your physical death, the Fata-Morgana, earth existence, now paired with a visible future, becomes emotional events that overshadow your dream experiences. On earth, every implementation of a future vision requires your lifetime. In the hereafter it is possible for you, timelessly as in a dream, to follow the most diverse visions of the future in order to feel their emotional potentials. To be able to read every thought of others, in a disembodied state, is a further increase in your possibilities to collect knowledge, in the timeless exchange with the creative knowledge of your fellow players in the hereafter.

On earth you form the past, present, future, wedged into your materiality, matter that disintegrates. If you have offspring, children on earth, because consciousness is condemned to produce forms, to create, you should be clear that the form of the child is not decisive. You will, however, be able to recognize, influence and control the child's consciousness. You should be aware that this child comes to you with a very special feeling package. It includes what I want and what I don't want. If you do not have the ability and the opportunity to take full account of this package of feelings, to recognize and encourage it, you should rather refrain from conceiving a child.

I don't have to be a prophet to be able to see, with this knowledge shaping the earth becomes more loving, at the same time the pressure of our overpopulation would be less.

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