Fear of death

Height: 97 cm
Width: 157 cm
If an inexplicable fear creeps up on you while looking at my painting, then my dream about this work has reached you. When doing it gradually the curiosity spreads in you makes, will my work can give something. Your fear can dissipate because I I promise information that knowledge of something new, something that you have not yet thought of, can give.
Through the metaphors of my dream I was shown that consciousness, also from other galaxies, needs us in a similar way to how we need our nature on earth. How different people are too Behave towards animals and nature is a reflection of how extraterrestrials treat us humans.
The knowledge, the information that there is 200 billion times in our previously known universe A similar constellation as earth-sun should help you to imagine that an infinite number of other material and immaterial intelligences also need our visions, feelings and thoughts as fuel for their existence. To fight against it would mean that we humans are against lock these energy bases of eternal life. Our thoughts are the energy that our own I-consciousness needs to exist. Thoughts are free of matter, so not time-bound. You can therefore connect with extraterrestrial intelligences.
In my picture, from the perspective of the dream, I show a bridge that emerges from the Source leads. This source arose from the "ALL-WHAT-IS". My dream wanted to say: Only through information and the new ways of thinking derived from it is it possible to understand our eternal existence.
Our entire universe, which was created in the Big Bang and which cannot be explained by extraterrestrial units of consciousness (God cannot be explained), consists of only four percent matter, i.e. atoms. The 96 percent remaining dark energy, dark matter, which our scientists only use as empty words, is currently still a mystery for us humans and also for science. Only when it is possible on our earth to understand that the feelings and thoughts of all living things represent 96% of the big bang can a new age begin.
The thought that all people go to the source, I don't call them God, but the "ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE", Returning is difficult to incorporate into our microscopically short lifespan without getting sad or even angry. The sea of eternal consciousness can only be reached by us self-conscious people if we have the thought bridge, “what is Eternity, what is immortality, ”cross. The prerequisite for the eternal existence of all consciousness is: The Big Bang process repeats itself over and over again. It bangs continuously and forever, that's what the scientists in basic research are now also postulating.
Back to the overall impression of my dream, my picture and my fear. As long as the fear of our material death has not given way to the feeling of comprehensive curiosity, nothing fundamental will change on this earth. Fear results in aggressiveness, the main cause of pain and suffering on earth. In my dream I heard the sentence: "Comprehensive curiosity requires broad intelligence". Unfortunately, there are still too many so-called technical idiots in our systems who determine what is done and what should be, or what is right and what is wrong. Your knowledge is limited to 4% information, to 4% materiality.
If you can then recognize the real existence worth living in through information about these 4% atomic creations on earth, you will also sense the possibilities of the ninety-six percent dark energy, dark matter. Together with this idea and as an ingredient Divine humor, will be the day of your death, a day of your foreboding coming.
In order to be able to combine the theory of reality with quantum mechanics, one needs mind