The mystery of God

Height: 213 cm
Broad: 85 cm
The mystery of God
When I asked my dream, my dream showed me what does the word "God" mean - the sculpture you are looking at. I call it "God's Tree". We humans get information about the dream in a metaphor language. This dream language is a picture language specially tailored for every dreamer. We receive them consciously, but mostly unconsciously, every night.
In the dream we get the ability to experience a lack of time and material
Dreams suggest that we humans have a variety of other existences, also on other levels of reality. People want to assign illusions to our reality. In the dream worlds we can play with illusions and even in our thoughts, about lucid dreams, without limits. A portion of our mind, our “I”, is currently focused on the earth. In exceptional cases, however, dreams also give us 1 to 1 information, even spoken, for our path of development in this life. Viewed with divine humor, we humans are only observers in our earthly life. Scientists refer to God as the "Absolute Information". From this “absolute information” come our changing figures, in various current events, with our experiences and their learning tasks. Everything comes from the “absolute information”. Your current path of development, on our material earth, gives you an idea that "ABSOLUTE INFORMATION" is more than a source, it is
"ALL THAT IS", also called God.
When we dream, we enter the entire Big Bang event.
If you look at my sculpture of God Tree with humor, I hope you will at least be able to show a smile on your face when you imagine that this sculpture is God, the “absolute information”. If you take this divine field of humor with you and go with your spirit into this tree, to the iron snake and to feel God in it, your current existence on earth will also be viewed with an all-encompassing, invigorating sense of humor. The attribute humor available to us humans is a quality that has direct access to the soul. Your complete “I”, restricted by earth life, becomes a Fata-Morgana in this moment of meditation, in the tree. This mirage wants to show you that there is no fixed horizon, everything flows, everything is a wave, without a beginning or an end. Only “one” law is irrevocable and firm, your spirit must exist forever. If you ponder that word "forever" longer, this law can make you shudder.
If you don't look where you come from and where you want to go, you shouldn't be surprised when you arrive somewhere completely different (Mark Twain)
Your existence is a dream existence and comes from your origin. In the dream, you are in contact with your entire soul. Our brain filters out the "I" from dreams and so-called real events in daily life. Your presence is being shaped by the question: I want to know what the tree is really saying to me. You can only hold on to the present for a moment. The dream event changes reality into an illusion. About our illusions arise Thoughts that want to fathom our physical death. Where you come from, where you are going, why you want to do something, do something, have to do something in order not to starve, paint over these life questions with humor. It will come with a sense of humor, an even more satisfied feeling, while rethinking your earth journey and the future union with your entire self.
When you meet your family, friends, teachers, students at the end of your material life on this earth, i.e. in the timeless, atom-free space of existence, they will particularly look forward to the gift you brought with you, joy in humor.
Without joy there is no love (Johannes Hoffrohne)
Let me pass on my learning unit on this dream to you: Do not conclude an irrevocable alliance with religions, because they want to use you and graft their views on you with their commandments and codifications. Don't let your lifetime and suppress their cultures, their worries and needs. You have the time and the ability to explore the meaning of life yourself. Take the humor with you on the eternal path of development. He will help you see yourself as a happy "God in Progress".
Bibles are collections of primitive legends. (Albert Einstein)