The observer draws from the galaxies

In the double slit experiment of quantum mechanics, a point becomes a wave via an observer. A wave has no beginning and no end, becomes eternity. This to the point information of my dream left in me the feeling: Every brain that thinks about its I has the extent, the energy, the responsibility of a creator in the big bang happening. From the source, the "ABSOLUTE INFORMATION", human brains can create worlds.
My dream is compressed in my profound, multi-layered photography. I supplement indeterminability with the unpredictable and the intangible with quantum mechanics. Going from my dream to the picture, feelings should arise that make physical death tangible as a colored, eternal wave. My portrait would like to show you: Material life should only be given observer status. With this status, as in a dream, the indefiniteness of time and matter is made comprehensible to us. Our current life on earth is a further step in development.
It was pointed out to me in my dream that waves of information developed from the Big Bang. These infinite waves are visions, feelings and thoughts that are drawn from the source, from the "ABSOLUTE INFORMATION". There is an unlimited number of Big Bang processes happening, and there is a permanent bang, said Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Dürr. Waves overlap, rock, cross, calm down, I could feel in my dream. Waves carry galaxies and systems, waves arise in oceans and in water droplets. Our cells live as waves. Our dreams, illusions, feelings, thoughts, our actions, everything is indelible in waves, until the next big bang happens.
The 14.6 billion years of time created in the Big Bang is reflected in the synaptic gap in people. This chemical and electrical non-connection in our brains, the previously unexplored synaptic gap, enables information from the "ABSOLUTE INFORMATION" that arose at the moment of the Big Bang to flow into it. Every night, when people's I become unconscious, the dream connects us via the synaptic gap with the “ABSOLUTE INFORMATION”, the point, the source, the creation.
In this dream it was explained to me that current people are bound to the earth mainly through their lack of knowledge and with the dogmas of religions. They see their death as a dramatic misfortune. As long as mankind has not found a substitute for its current belief in God, its leaders, their thoughts and actions in particular, will tie in with these Stone Age beliefs. Many leaders manipulate because of their limitations, with selfishness. The religions devised and created by humans are too insignificant, ignorant in the system of eternity to be able to give meaningful answers. The way the religions act reflects the megalomania of many of our leaders. However, religions have helped that mankind has not yet exterminated itself.
The information came from a fantastic vortex of images: The creators of a big bang process are connected to knowledge, to power and thus to the development in the triplicate. In order to be able to initiate a Big Bang process, “ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE” needed a vision. It is the vision of an absolute love. We humans have been more or less handicapped divine visionaries for about 20,000 years. Battlefields of violence, mutilated people in black, stinking, rotten flesh, that was shown to me by my dream consciousness, in disgusting images.
My dream made it clear to me that the ability of people to recognize their ICH has not yet led to satisfactorily building death or pain and suffering into their lifestyle. The majority of our leaders are therefore unable to understand their responsibilities. They allow themselves to be subjugated by their lifetimes and their cultures. At the moment they are designing or managing the one-way street "power and commerce".
The sole control of crowds over power and manipulation and over bread and games cannot and must not be the goal of forward-thinking leaders. A global school system that participates from quantum mechanics and builds on the nature-loving basis of global life practice, with the curricula designed for this, will be able to help reduce ignorance and thus the pain and suffering on earth. In step with this elementary progress, people could take more time to research about life after death and thereby decimate the fear of their physical death.
Fear is the opposite of creation.